ABLE 2007: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY June 5-9. Host: Ruth Beattie
Mini Workshop
Friday June 9
Ellington, Roberta W
Sensory Physiology
In this exercise, students are studying their own eyes.In the first
part, students will determine the size and location of the blind spot or optic
nerve head. At
the back of the eye, at the end of the optic nerve, is a region where nourishing
blood vessels enter and retinal ganglion cell axons exitThis area has
no photoreceptors, thus is called the blind spotIn the second part,
students will determine the region on the retina where color
vision is most acute and if the blind spot affects color vision. This exercise
is suitable
from high school AP Biology to the college sophomore level. Materials are
minimal and
inexpensive. The exercise can be completed in a two hour lab period.